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3 Tips For A Successful Social Media Strategy for Startups

I've always been intrigued with working with startups, I would say it's probably because I like building things. It's so amazing to create or have a product and find people interested in that product from across the globe, all accessible from the palm of your hand.

Amazing right?

Social media has disrupted traditional forms of advertising and changed how companies interact with their customers. In recent years, social media itself has undergone radical changes. In an interview with Forbes,  Mike Mandell shares his advice for startups and their founders.

I will share a few with you;

Why is it crucial for new businesses to create a solid social media strategy?

In the past, businesses had to invest years in building a sizable fan base to have any chance of receiving a sizable number of views. The cutting edge in today's market is 15 to 30-second short-form video content.

Quickly made videos have the power to catapult a company into the public eye overnight or even sooner. Companies can consistently produce more viral content by studying what the public found interesting, keeping their brand vital and relevant.

Pointers for startups looking to create a profitable social media presence.

Create an inventory before launching. Communicate clearly with your social media team about the goals for your brand and how your social media strategy should fuel that.

Make a list of your ideas. If you don't write down your brilliant ideas, you'd be surprised how frequently you can forget them. 

Customers and followers will tell you what they want, so pay attention to them. They post comments on social media. Read them and use the comments—both positive as well as negative inform your future content.

The algorithms value consistency, and keeping your audience involves letting followers know when to anticipate new content. If you release new content on Monday and Friday, then do that consistently.

What are some common social media errors that small businesses and startups make, and how can they be avoided?

 People respond to authenticity. Have a clear voice of what your product can do for your audience, for you to grow an active audience, you have to earn their trust.

Most people can tell you are just fishing for likes or followers. Instead, create a purposeful brand and stick to it, even when others shift in another direction. People can change their minds overnight, and they might switch back before you know it. Your consistency will beget their trust.

Hope these few tips were helpful. Building a solid social media strategy requires intentionality and consistency. Target your content to be valubabe and customer-centric, watch how your audience reacts to this then tweak as you go on.